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Women Empowerment in India

    The mother, the wife, the daughter, the sister, avtars of the female species of the human creed in our society, even today, in the ever - so advanced 21st century, face a myriad of problems.67 years of independence and democracy past us; we still remain in a very complicated doubt: is women empowerment really implemented in India?     Amidst all the negative sentiment up in the air due to the media reports of the increasing no of rape cases, a disgraceful and emphatic NO seems to be an obvious answer.     But friends I beg to disagree.     Harassment, poverty, malnourishment and disease are women’s unrelenting curse. There is no denying the fact that India has seen rampant incidents of violence being reported against women. The cases being reported is in itself a great aid to women empowerment. To simply forget and ignore the efforts taken by the citizenry of the country to protect and empower the women is nothing but disresp...
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छात्र राजनीती (Student politics)

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